201 South Market Street
San Jose, California 95113

In the past two years, Ruby on Rails- a framework for quickly building highly interactive and robust web applications-has become the single most talked about framework in software and is now poised to become *the* web development platform. If you're a software developer who's curious about the cutting edge and wondering what the noise is all about, SDForum invites you to spend two days drinking from a ruby-colored fire-hose.

* Learn from the Early Adopters. New technologies involve risk, pain, and a learning curve. Avoid the most disastrous mistakes, and learn how to quickly reap compelling benefits by learning from the people who've been there.
* Understand the Enthusiasm. Experience the power of Ruby first-hand. Spend two days immersed in the world of Ruby and then decide for yourself.

* Hear From Founders who are Risking it All. Thinking about a new startup? Wondering if Ruby makes sense for you? Hear from founders who decided to bet the farm on Ruby.

Speakers Include:

Charles Nutter and Thomas Enebo: "The JRuby Guys", Sun Microsystems
Josh Susser: Ruby and Rails, Powerset
Evan Phoenix: Rubinius Project
Ezra Zygmuntowicz: Lead Rails Evangelist, Engine Yard

$219 for SDForum Members and $269 for Non-SDForum Members.

Official Website: http://www.sdforum.org/SDForum/Templates/CalendarEvent.aspx?CID=2135

Added by FullCalendar on April 3, 2007



do you offer student rates?


natR - sorry, just the rates listed.


Sweet! Looking forward to this one...

Psyched to learn more about JRuby, which seems to hold a lot of promise for enhancing Ruby's integration + performance story.

p.s. Anyone looking for a ruby gig?