Bring your knitting and join us for a day of fun and relaxation with members of the other guilds in North Texas. The cost will be $10 to cover the cost of the meeting location, goody bags, snacks, and door prizes. There are a variety of eating establishments in the area for lunch, including a restaurant in Stacy Furniture.
Bring along your latest endeavor or the project you are most proud of for a special show and tell time. It’s a great chance to meet members of the hand knitting guilds from Arlington, Dallas, Granbury and Grapevine Bluebonnet and talk with others that share a passion for knitting!
This year we have added "Circles of Learning" which will feature various knitting techniques.
We look forward to having a wonderful day of knitting and meeting new friends!
Official Website:
Added by civilgrrl on June 18, 2007