701 5th Ave Suite 7500
Seattle, Washington 98104


Do you know that Greater Seattle is one of the most trade-dependent regions in the United States? Why is that? Have you or your company been taking advantage of this strategically positioned vibrant development? Come hear Sam Kaplan, from Trade Development Alliance of Greater Seattle, discuss how our local governments, business and labor have come together to provide leadership in promoting the international business interests of our region. Find out who our region's international markets are and what to expect in the future.

Are we going greener in our states? We are so fortunate to have Tom Ranken from the Washington Clean Technology Alliance to kick off our near future series of "Let's Talk Clean" luncheons by sharing with us his forecast on clean technology development in the future of Washington.

Please join us for the Inauguration of the first of a four Luncheon Series presented by the Business Forum Committee.

Official Website: http://columbia-tower.com

Added by FullCalendar on May 17, 2011

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