2161 North First Street
San Jose, California 95131


Presentation 1: Testing Service-Oriented Architectures

In this presentation, we will take a look at the nuts and bolts of implementing and deploying a reliable, high-quality integration system - or rather, a bulletproof Web service. By implementing the proper methodology into your development process, you can be sure that fundamental development practices are established for reliable SOAs.

As SOA continues to grow and evolve, the need to support the testing of Web services independently of one another, and the need to provide test instances of services to support the development of service clients, will require a more-complex testing environment. Our Parasoft expert will therefore illustrate solid engineering and testing practices required to ensure complete functionality, interoperability, and security of the SOA.

Presentation 2: Testing Services for performance, scalability, and reliability

Frank Cohen will show how 90,000 software developers, quality technicians, and IT managers use TestMaker as a framework and utility to test services for performance, scalability, and reliability. TestMaker is a free open-source Java utility and framework for testing Web Services, applications, and Service Oriented Architecture designs.

Free for SDForum Members, $15.00 for non-members.

Added by FullCalendar on February 3, 2006

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