Mountain View
Mountain View, California

Scrum is the agile development process that allows teams to deliver usable software periodically throughout the life of the project, absorbing change and new requirements as the project proceeds. Traditional software project management methods fix requirements in an effort to control time and cost; what we’ve learned after decades of building software is that requirements often need to change based on market conditions or the reality of the emerging system. Scrum allows organizations to shift requirements in a manner that does not disrupt the team.

Scrum teams make progress in a series of sprints, or 30-day periods of time. Moreover, delivering products using Scrum relies heavily on the collaboration between the team and the product owner to create the right product for the customer in a lean fashion. A Scrum product owner manages and stages the product backlog, which is a prioritized list of features for the product, so that the team is always working on the most valuable items first. The ScrumMaster helps synchronize the business needs with the delivery team’s capabilities and provides visibility into this progression at all times.

Beginning with the history of agile development and moving through the disciplines promoted by Scrum, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Scrum methodology while specifically reviewing the behaviors expected of a ScrumMaster.

Certified ScrumMasters will be able to initiate and execute a sprint.

This course results in certification as a ScrumMaster with the Scrum Alliance.

Target Audience: This class is suitable for those practicing or looking to practice the art of the ScrumMaster, but is highly valuable for anyone involved in Scrum (Managers, Team Members, Product Managers, etc.).

Official Website:

Added by enthiosys on May 5, 2008



Interested, but need more information. Where, cost, etc. Website link doesn't work.
