2828 35th St
Sacramento, California 95817

Jan 17, 2010
7:30 pm
MOBS at The Guild, 2828 35th St, Sacramento (corner of 35th & Broadway)
Admission: $5.00

Slide Guitar Ride
"Slide Guitar Ride" is a rock and roll journey with Bob Log III, the surreal and infamous one-man band from Tucson, Arizona -- "The only band in the world you can sit on." Costumed in a human cannonball suit and a bubble-mask motorcycle helmet with a phone receiver glued to the visor as a microphone, Log plays manic, delta blues slide guitar -- while singing and stomping on a bass drum pedal. The film, directed by Bernd Schoch of Germany, is a loving portrait of this incredible one man band which follows this manic Delta Blues slide guitar player on tour - as he wows crowds in backyards, laundry-mats and big concert halls around the globe. Oh - and if you've ever wondered what a boob scotch is, your questions will be answered!

Official Website: http://www.moviesonabigscreen.com

Added by Movies On A Big Screen on December 30, 2009