2828 35th Street
Sacramento, California 95817

Friday, Sept 11
7 PM and 9:30 PM
Sunday, Sept 13
7 PM
Admission: $5.00
Location: Movies on a Big Screen at The Guild Theater. 2828 35th St, Sacramento (corner of 35th & Broadway)

Hey! This weekend is the third anniversary of Movies on a Big Screen! And to celebrate, admission will be the same price as when we very first started! That's right! Admission is only $5.00!!

Nerdcore Rising

Nerdcore: a genre of hip hop characterized by themes and subject matter considered to be of general interest to nerds.

"Nerdcore Rising" follows the godfather of nerdcore, MC Frontalot, on his first national tour. Beginning in South Carolina and culminating in nerd mecca - the Penny Arcade Gaming Convention in Seattle - masses of fans across the country come out to bask in the Front's geek glory as he strives to achieve mainstream success.

Frontalot fanatics are the real stars of the film. They are hackers and gamers, bloggers and podcasters, they play World of Warcraft, live virtually in Second Life, and of course, they love nerdcore hip hop. In short, they are hardcore nerds, and together, they illustrate the funny, fascinating, and unapologetically uncool cultural phenomenon that is nerdcore.

Also with Weird Al Yankovic, Jello Biafra, Prince Paul (who's worked with Beastie Boys, George Clinton, Queen Latifah, and many, many others, in addition to producing Chris Rock's three Grammy-winning albums), Tycho and Gabe (of Penny Arcade), MC Chris, MC Lars, Nursehella, and far too many more to list.

"Funny, inspiring, authentic, sympathetic and never, ever mean. (Or at least not in a bad way.)" - Salon

"Director Negin Farsad follows pioneering nerdcore rapper MC Frontalot and his band on their first modest tour, and strikes gold with the quirky cast of characters, each of whom apparently has a Chewbacca impression." - Creative Loafing

Official Website: http://www.moviesonabigscreen.com

Added by Movies On A Big Screen on September 1, 2009