234 Museum Drive
Los Angeles, California 90065

Part of the month-long film festival at the Southwest. A new film is shown each Wednesday night at 6:30 during the month of August.

" Pow-Wow Highway"
Philbert Bono, a member of the Cheyenne Indian nation, lives in Lame Deer, Montana and dreams of the old ways—when his people lived close to the land and not in an American Third World squalor of trailer parks and corner liquor stores, Philbert is a big, lumbering giant of a guy with a voracious appetite for pancakes and cheeseburgers. Nothing ever seems to bother Philbert; nothing can wipe that beatific grin off his face. Actor Gary Farmer literally fills the screen with his performance of the man-child Philbert Bobo, a naïve, trusting, soul-wise character. Throughout the film, we follow him on a course toward gradual enlightenment and every epiphany is p08/16/2009lain to see on Farmer’s expressive face.

Added by autry4700 on June 18, 2009

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