We couldn't wait a whole year to watch more festival movies, so we decided to do a mid-year event (well, October is between May and April :)
On Friday 3rd October we will hold a mini festival at the Apollo West End in assocation with Electronic Arts and Manga UK. The event is still being programmed but we have confirmed UK premiere of the DEAD SPACE: Downfall - the animated prequel to the new EA game DEAD SPACE.
Also confirmed for the ANIME line up are HELLSING ULTIMATE and STRAIT JACKET - we cannot wait to see these on the big screen.
We are planning a usual MST3K line-up and also a ZOMBIE ALL-NIGHTER with TOKYO GORE POLICE, CHANBARA BEAUTY and a new UK movie that follows the story of a guy who turns into a zombie. Called COLIN, the movie re-writes the genre.
More films are being lined up and the dedicated site will have more details as we have them.
Tickets go on sale on Sept 1st - see you there!
Official Website: http://www.sci-fi-london.com/festival/2008/oktoberfest/
Added by robgrant on July 31, 2008
Arjun Jassal
will be there!