It's that time of the year again! The Fifth Annual Scary Cow Film Screening!
Scary Cow is a group of independent filmmakers pushing the limits of low budget filmmaking. Members of Scary Cow form into groups and compete against each other at these screenings to determine who gets funding in the next round! Not only will you see some interesting and creative films, but you'll also hear the filmmakers talk about what it took to get their project over the finish line in time. You'll also have your own ballot so you can cast your vote to determine which were the best films!
Bring your friends, neighbors, significant others, family, or complete strangers!
Doors open at 3pm. Screening begins at 3:30 sharp. Come early to ensure you get a good seat. Tickets are $5 and can be prepurchased by going to .
Our Afterparty will be held in a quaint room in the Woman's Building, right down the street from the theater (3542 18th St). We will have hors d'oeuvres and drinks - and we'll announce the winners from the screening there! Come mingle and discuss the projects or talk about Scary Cow!
Official Website:
Added by kerri.kuchta on May 23, 2008