21 E Constance
Santa Barbara, California 93101

"Brooklyn's Green-Wood Cemetery: Unearthing New York's Buried Treasures."

Join Jeff Richman, Green-Wood Cemetery's historian and the author of Brooklyn's Green-Wood Cemetery: New York's Buried Treasure, for a slide show talk about this fascinating place. It is the final resting place of more than half a million people, including famous permanent residents Leonard Bernstein, Boss Tweed, Horace Greeley, and Samuel Morse. Jeff Richman has been Green-Wood’s historian since 2000. He is also the author of Final Camping Ground: Civil War Veterans at Brooklyn’s Green-Wood Cemetery, In Their Own Words.
Read Jeff's Blog at http://greenwooddiscovery.org/

Official Website: http://sbgen.org

Added by eventssbgen on February 15, 2010

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