Drayton and Whitaker
Savannah, Georgia

NOTICE: The date, time and venue are NOT set in stone. They will change.

We're trying to get a Savannah Flickr meetup set for the last week or two in May. If you're interested, please let me know. You can also go here and respond to the thread:


I'd like to have a roundabout number of attendees so I can get us some free Flickr schwag.

I'd also like some recommendations on where we could meet up and so forth. What's a good in-between spot for us all. What day is conv. That sort of thing.

Please respond by May 14th. Thanks. :)

Official Website: http://flickr.com/groups/savannah/discuss/72057594102149366/

Added by dizzygirl on May 3, 2006

Interested 1