1216 1st St
Sarasota, Florida 34236

Calling all Sarasota professionals: come see what Working Women is all about! Our Tampa Bay chapter is hosting a Girls Night Out launch party complete with complimentary appetizers, sangria, prizes and swag bags at Ceviche Tapas Bar. Make new contacts, learn about WWOTB and have some fun!

Working Women of Tampa Bay is an active social network of female entrepreneurs and professionals. They focus on bringing together like-minded women through fun networking events, activities and learning opportunities, designed with the busy woman's schedule in mind. Becoming a member of Working Women is about more than simply attending events, it's about discovering new ways to grow professionally and personally.

Official Website: http://www.workingwomenoftampabay.com/events?eventId=341282&EventViewMode=2&CalendarViewType=1&SelectedDate=7/26/2011

Added by workingwomenoftampabay on June 26, 2011