12120 Alta Carmel Court Suite 410D
San Diego, California 92128


The word 'salsa' literally means 'sauce', usually hot and spicy, and that is definitely how you would describe Salsa dance – hot, spicy, zesty, energetic, passionate and sexy. Salsa is a very sensual Latin dance, similar to Mambo. Both Salsa and Mambo have a pattern of six steps over eight counts of music and share many of the same moves. The great thing about salsa is that just about anyone can learn it. There is a well known saying that is often repeated by salsa teachers – if you can walk, you can salsa. Learning salsa is a wonderful way to meet new people and it's actually quite easy to learn.

Please pre-reg for all the classes you're planning to attend!
Call 858-451-3775 or sent an email to [email protected]
4-5 week classes- $40-$50/person
Drop ins welcome at $15/class.

Added by DanceMotionStudios on August 7, 2010