Livermore Common
Fremont, California 94539

Time: 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT
Duration: 60 Minutes

Join us for a 60 minute webinar where we bring on Donya Rose, Managing Principal of The Cygnal Group, located in North Carolina, will discuss six of the trickier sales comp challenges and your options for a better approach.

Why should you attend?
You have some business challenges, and some of the leadership feels the sales comp plan could be changed to make things better. Others are convinced that changes could also make things worse. How do you sort through all those opinions and get back to the reliable principles that will provide solid guidance?

In this Webinar she will cover:

• How do we keep sales people motivated when we are required to deploy unattainable sales goals?
• Top producers appear to be a bit too comfortable (even coasting?)
• We have goal-based plans and some crazy payouts - just because goal setting is so hard in our business/market/situation
• We need sales people selling across our offering, but we don't want to complicate our plans with too many measures
• We need our sales people to work together to close deals, but we can't double-comp
• Our sales people are too focused on the top line - we need better attention to profitable sales

And more.....
Don't miss out on this webinar on Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Price: $145.00

Russel Stuart
Phone: 1800-385-1627
E-Mail: [email protected]

Official Website:

Added by Russel Stuart on April 16, 2013

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