1845 Fairmount St
Wichita, Kansas 67260

Regardless of the business you’re in, sales are one of the most critical functions for maintaining its health and vitality. It’s important that you broaden your professional skill set to include this valuable tool. Whether you work in design, engineering, product support, supply chain, maintenance, spares, manufacturing, data analysis, or operations, sales are essential to keep your business profitable.

Your unique understanding and insight into the designs, processes and inner workings of your company’s products and services position you as one of the best suited individuals to represent your company and the products it offers to customers. This program is designed specifically to give you the tools to do just that.

Many people falsely believe that sales skills are incredibly difficult to develop or are simply a trait that you’ve got to be born with. Years of research have proven these concepts false. As a technical expert you’re the perfect candidate to lead the way in matching the products and solutions your company offers to the challenges and problems faced by your potential customers.

Advancements in the complexity and technology of products have had an enormous impact on the roles and responsibilities of technical experts. The sales function is moving farther and farther into the territory of engineering, finance and other technical professionals. To advance and succeed in your career, it’s important to build your sales skills.

This informative and hands on program is tailor made for people with your technical background. You’ll learn the how-to steps of successful selling and understand the concrete processes needed to apply them.

Official Website: http://cmd.wichita.edu

Added by Center for Management Developmen on November 20, 2008