3115 Porter Creek Rd
Santa Rosa, California 95404

Trek to it! Heed the call of the wild with an adventurous safari tour. Explore the entire 400 acres of Safari West in a three-hour adventure led by one of our highly experienced guides in an open-air, authentic safari vehicle. The experience includes a drive through our "Sonoma" African Bush where you will be at one with the wild, observing giraffe, gazelle, scimitar-horned oryx, ostrich and other species of African antelope all living together and sharing this exotic savanna setting. In one area you may find a cape buffalo and a zebra enjoying a refreshing break at the nearby watering hole; look in another direction and see eye to eye with a wildebeest ... if you're lucky! The habitat was designed to give the animals the ability to interact and roam about freely. Then it is on foot for a journey through the grounds of Safari West where you will spot a cheetah or two, giraffes sticking their necks out for you, the primates on lemur island going ape, resplendent birds soaring over in our amazing open-air aviary, as well as an abundance of other animals.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 17, 2010