621 W Mallon Ave
Spokane, Washington 99201

Baxter Black is a former large animal veterinarian can be followed nationwide through his column, National Public Radio, public appearances, television and also through his books, CDs, videos and commercial radio. Baxter lives in Benson, Arizona, between the Gila River and the Gila monster, the Mexican border and the Border Patrol and between the horse and the cow - where the action is. He still doesn't own a television or a cell phone, and his idea of a modern convenience is Velcro chaps. Everything about Baxter is cowboy; his cartoonish mustache, his personality and his poetry. He makes a living shining a spotlight on the flaws and foibles of everyday cowboy life. He demonstrates that it is the truth in his humor that makes it funny. His weekly column "On the Edge of Common Sense" appears in dozens of newspapers and is syndicated on over 100 radio stations.

Official Website: http://chateaurive.com

Added by performanceplease on October 13, 2012

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