What do the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim scriptures have to teach about peace?
Join the Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice for an event which speaks to the core of our interfaith work, featuring readings of sacred texts on peace from Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Speakers will present reflections on what these texts teach us about the deepest calling in each of our traditions – the desire for justice and for peace for all people.
Join us as we seek a deeper engagement from within the Abrahamic tradition with:
* Dr. Soraya Orady, founder and president of the Islamic Education and Resources Network (ILearn),
* Dr. Sarah Heidt, lecturer in philosophy and theology at Eastern Michigan University and Ecumenical Theological Seminary, and
* Alan Haber, a founder of the Megiddo Peace Project.
January 10th , 7:00 pm at St. Clare’s/Temple Beth Emeth Social Hall, 2309 Packard, Ann Arbor.
This event is organized by the Common Ground for Peace in Israel and Palestine working group of Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice. It is co-sponsored by Temple Beth Emeth, St. Clare’s Episcopal Church, and the Islamic Education and Resources Network (ILearn), Episcopal Church of the Incarnation, the Reconstructionist Havurah, and First Baptist Church of Ann Arbor.
Official Website: http://www.icpj.net/2007/12/07/sacred-texts-and-the-heart-of-peace/
Added by ICPJ on December 19, 2007