3740 Atlantic Ave, Studio 201
Long beach, California 90807

Facilitated by: Rev Ayanna

For more information contact: Ayanna at 949.395.3359

What makes a Relationship Sacred?
What is the Gift of Sex?

“As the New Earth Paradigm is being created, a New Relationship Paradigm is being cultivated - The Sacred Relationship” ~ Rev Ayanna

This workshop will include:
• Look at the old and new Relationship Paradigms.
• Learn the four basic criteria for choosing a Sacred Relationship
• Experience Sacred Sexual Practices that celebrate the Gift of Sex
• Why Porn Drains Your Energy and Undermines Your Sexuality & Relationship

Bring journal, pen, and crystal or symbol for our Sacred Relationship Altar.

Rev. Ayanna Mojica, MFA, - Masters in Fine Arts. Ayanna is a Renaissance woman, Mystic, Spiritual Teacher, Alchemist, Artist, and Healer. She is the author of Deep Treasures: Exploring the Dynamic Relationship Between Sex and Money, and soon to be published book The Path of the Magdalen: The Magdalen Egyptian Isis Lineage of Sacred Sexual Alchemy.
Ayanna has transformed from being a traditional ordained minister within the traditional Christian Church and now serves as a Minister of Metaphysics and Sacred Intimacy. She is Founder and Director of The Golden Chalice Mystery School and Founder of the Path of the Magdalen. Ayanna mentors women in this lineage as Priestess Initiates in The Council of Twelve and men in The Council of the White Dragons.
Together with the Holy Spirit, Ayanna weaves a tapestry of rarified pristine energy, arts and healing in her unique and powerful work. She facilitates ceremonies and mentors individuals and couples in sacred sexuality. Ayanna offers International workshops, seminars, and sacred journeys. For more information visit www.PathoftheMagdalen.com and www.AyannaMojica.com.

Official Website: http://www.pathofthemagdalen.com

Added by dvnexpression on January 24, 2012

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