600 Guerrero Street
San Francisco, California 94110

American Dirge

Friday, August 31st - Wednesday, October 3rd
OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, August 31st 9-11pm

Curated by Brianna Toth

The work in American Dirge calls attention to the role of the '60s as a key to our current national identity by contrasting the hope and conviction of that time against the cynicism and apathy of today. It employs the notion that during the '60s both straight and counter cultures knew they were right, while today we know that we don’t know. In other words, the American Dream was true at that point insomuch as it still inspired deep belief, and it is dead today insomuch as it serves to inspire deep criticism. This work is then neither a glorification of another time nor a condemnation of our own; rather, it is a synthesis of the two – a combination of the beauty of
belief with the wit of disbelief.

Added by gc on August 28, 2007

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