1400 N 5th St
Grand Junction, Colorado 81501

John Rutter’s Magnificat will headline a night of British masterworks, also featuring music by Ralph Vaughan Williams and Benjamin Britten. The Grand Junction Symphony Chorus, with members of the Western Colorado Chorale, Mesa State College Choirs, and the Schumann Singers will join the GJSO for the uplifting Magnificat, considered one of Rutter’s most significant contributions to choral literature. Additionally, Vaughan William’s Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis and selections from Britten’s opera Peter Grimes will be performed. This final concert of our 32nd season will surely be an event to remember!

Kirk Gustafson, Music Director

GJ Symphony Chorus
(Featuring members of the Western Colorado Chorale
and Mesa State College Choirs – Monte Atkinson, Director
and the Schumann Singers – Norm Ashley, Director)

Vaughan Williams - Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis
Britten - Peter Grimes: Four Sea Interludes
Rutter - Magnificat

Official Website: http://www.gjsymphony.org/content/rutter-magnificat

Added by Grand Junction Symphony Orchestr on June 7, 2009