88 North 17th St
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403

A contemplative, candlelit evening of medieval and Renaissance music exploring prophetic and mystical texts from many world religions and the insight and spirit shared by people everywhere. “Candlelight Concert” features a wide variety of vocal and instrumental music, including the compositions of 12th-century mystic nun Hildegard von Bingen, ancient Hebrew chant, and instrumental improvisations from the Middle East. The program also features the premiere of a new work by Rose Ensemble Composer-in-Residence Abbie Betinis. Set in the Farsi language, her original music uses mystical texts from the 14th-century Persian poet Hafez-e Shirazi and paints in dramatic musical imagery the Sufi themes of breath, fire and the nomadic life. This special evening is narrated by TomCrann, regional host of public radio's "All Things Considered."

Official Website: http://www.roseensemble.org

Added by roseensemble on February 28, 2007

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