701 Taughannock Blvd
Ithaca, New York 14850

Here’s what you need to know:
All team skaters must be 18 or over and female. Men and women 18 and over can join as referees, announcers, coaches, stagehands or rink rats. Anyone of any age can help support the SufferJets through promoting, fundraising, sponsoring and attending events and matches.

What are the rules?
There are two teams of five ladies. Each team consists of one scoring position called a Jammer, three Blockers and one Pivot. The Blockers form the “Pack”. Initially, the Jammers have to get through the pack and then on their second and future trips they get a point for every opponent they pass. Everyone else tries to stop the other team’s Jammer from passing.

Is it just fighting on roller skates?
No. Though there is bound to be falls – there are rules. Legal blocks involve the blocker using her arm, from shoulder to forearm, to make contact with her opponent’s body. Illegal blocks include grabbing, tripping, blocking from behind, elbows in the face, fighting – all the obvious stuff.

What equipment will I need?
The required protective gear is a helmet, wrist, elbow, knee pads and mouth guard which are required for practice and bout skating. You also need quad skates, once you are ready to commit. In the beginning we have protective hear you can borrow and some skates.

What if I haven’t been on skates in a while, or ever?
Do you have to be a great skater to even attempt Roller Derby... No!
A lot of girls won’t have been on skates for years or ever. Everyone starts out at different skill levels.

How do I join?
Simply turn up to the practices. See www.ithacarollerderby.com/ for a practice schedule.

Official Website: http://www.ithacarollerderby.com/

Added by Katica on March 29, 2008

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