23651 IH-10 West
San Antonio, Texas 78257

Live Music! Rockus Circus is one of Fralo's favorite entertainments! Great service with staff who are fun and welcoming! Fralo's definitely has a groove goin' on and Rockus Circus provides that groove when they perform at Fralo's...there's just something in the air..OH! Don't forget to bring your own booze, I mean good wine to compliment Fralo's homemade, outta this world, pizzas! Rockus Circus performs covers from a wide range of artists along with their own, about to record their 2nd album, originals with none other than David Eaton, a well respected LA recording publisher! What a combination for Saturday....Rockus Circus and Fralo's...Christmas has arrived!!!! Kids love Rockus Circus too, bring the family dog as well!
Dance the night away in the moonlight..come on! Snuggle up to your lover and rock the night away with Rockus Circus at Fralo's! HAPPY ROCKIN' HOLIDAYS!

Official Website: http://myspace.com/rockuscircus.com

Added by The StandOuts on December 18, 2008