925 Westlake Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109
Seattle, Washington 98109

Over these 23 years I've taken two of my own businesses well past the million-mark, authored two books, spoken around the world and helped thousands of entrepreneurs turn their passions into profits. But the true gifts have come from the people I've had the privilege of working with along the way. It's these people who have shaped me and brought me here... crystal clear about how I want to move in the world.

Jane Deuber is coming all the way from Monterey, California and we invite you to join her to:

It's Time to "ROCK YOUR REVENUES" in 2013 and it starts in Seattle on February 22!

If you own a small business, there are TWO THINGS you need to be doing right now to transform your bottom line profits.
#1 Diversify your revenue streams by expanding the various ways money flows into your business.
#2 Clarify and refine your courting process so you can quickly and easily move prospects from just exploring to a YES!

Do whatever it takes to join Jane Deuber on February 22nd. We guarantee you will walk away with fresh, innovative strategies for growing your business by expanding your offerings and driving your revenues with your ideal clients.

ROCK Your Revenues!
*Redefine your business' Money Model to creatively double your revenues now
*Stop being a victim of the shinyobject marketing syndrome and harness the power of focus
*Creatively diversify how money flows into your business so you can ride seasonal trends and dips
*Discover Jane's five powerful phases for increasing your closing ratio and moving your ideal clients to a YES!

Don't be Sleepless in Seattle one more day about how to Rock your Revenue in your business.
Register today for just $67!
Space is Extremely Limited.

Official Website: http://www.janedeuber.com/seattle_gb

Added by FullCalendar on February 18, 2013

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