565 Congress Street
Portland, Maine

Is your organization struggling with parliamentary procedure and wondering if there is a better way? YES, there are easier alternatives, particularly for smaller boards, committees, councils and task forces. This SkillBuilder will give you the basics of “Roberta’s Rules of Order,” a more flexible, fun and yet focused approach. “Roberta” has been adopted by many nonprofits because it’s a better fit for their organization’s culture. This session will show you how to put more moxie into your meetings.

This SkillBuilder will include:

-How to use an alternative agenda planning format that will fast forward your meeting
-How to apply various meeting methods that are productive and easy to use
-How to steer a group through a meeting and end with action plan, a meeting record and upgrades for the next meeting

Official Website: http://www.nonprofitmaine.org/skillbuilder_view_region.asp

Added by manp123 on May 1, 2009

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