6001 Grove Avenue
Richmond, Virginia 23226

Robert Winthrop graduated in 1970 with an architectural degree from University of Virginia. On January 17th, Bob will be speaking on the important role that Robert Mills played in the creation of the architecture of the early republic. Robert Mills, America’s first native born architect, designed Monumental Church in 1812. Mills was the only architectural student of Thomas Jefferson. The Mills’ design adaptively used a Delorme dome. The structure is a memorial to the 72 individuals that died in the Richmond Theater fire of 1811. Robert Winthrop provided the initial studies on the restoration of Monumental Church. He has authored several important books on the architecture of Richmond. He now lives in Farmville where he specializes in historically sensitive renovations and additions to churches.

Official Website: http://historicrichmond.com/education-2012Series.php

Added by Ross Catrow on January 3, 2012

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