84245 Indio Springs Dr
Indio, California 92203

Singer Rob Thomas has arguably been one of modern music’s most compelling and commercially successful artists for more than a decade. Between his solo work, performing lead vocals and songwriting for the band Matchbox Twenty and his various collaborations with iconic artists such as Santana and Mick Jagger, Rob Thomas simply says, ““I’m a guy who hears songs in his head, and I have to write them down, and I have to get them out. I’m just lucky enough that I can make it my life’s work.” Now Thomas makes his solo debut in the Palm Springs area on Saturday, August 7th at Fantasy Springs Resort Casino. Tickets for this performance featuring Thomas’ storytelling and acoustic music go on sale Friday, May 7th at 10am. Tickets are $29-$59 and may be purchased at the Fantasy Springs Box Office, online at www.FantasySpringsResort.com or by calling (800) 827-2946.

This month, Atlantic Records releases Thomas’ next single from his current album entitled “Cradlesong.” The album gives fans a percussive rock record that pulses with passion and energy. Vibrant guitars collide on songs such as “Fire on the Mountain” and the power pop gem “Give Me The Meltdown,” horns bolster the bouncy “Wonderful.” The title track is the sole ballad on an otherwise up-tempo set. “’Cradlesong’ is in there because it’s really a mellow tune,” says Thomas. “It’s kind of a ‘calm down, everything is going to be all right’ song.” The album’s first single, the kaleidoscopic “Her Diamonds,” is the most personal song Thomas has yet committed to disc. Rob’s wife, Marisol, is courageously battling an autoimmune disease. “Her Diamonds” was written “about a couple dealing with that on a day-to-day basis,” explains Thomas. He
and his wife are also extremely committed to helping those in need. The couple established the Sidewalk Angels Foundation, a non-profit organization that helps needy people in and around America’s big cities. The organization partners with various charities to assist people who get lost in the system, those who cannot afford medical care, and helps animals that have been abandoned or abused. Proceeds from the Fantasy Springs show benefit the Sidewalk Angels Foundation.

Added by fantasysprings on May 13, 2010

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