4870 Sadler Rd, Ste 101
Richmond, Virginia 23060

I have proposed an open Steering Committee meeting for 08:00 am Wed Dec 3 at the Sun Microsystems office at 4870 Sadler Rd, Glen Allen. If that date does not work, a new date will be proposed and I will update everyone.

If you are interested in attending the steering commitee meeting please take some time beforehand to talk with your peers, linked-in connections, etc to get a feel for what is going on in town... is the market fracturing? Think of ways we might re-energize local developers and get a feel for what people would like to see or where they're going or why they're not attending.

Anyone having contacts with or personal interest in presenting next year, please consider us. I am planning to present my work w/ the Hudson CI server next year.

Attending or not, your input and participation is needed. We can make better use of the JUG yahoo group discussion boards, do another survey, ...

Official Website: http://www.richmondjug.com

Added by rjPelletier on October 9, 2008

Interested 1