84 Fifth Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30308

How Old is your BUSINESS phone system?

Is it time for a new phone solution?

Are you a....

Fast growing company with remote employees and multiple offices?

Or a smaller business looking for a smarter and cheaper alternative to long-term contract communication systems?

Discover what Unified Communications can do for your business!

Join RJO Networks on April 24th at the Georgia Tech Global Learning Center for lunch and a live demo of WorldSmart. A representative from PanTerra Networks will be providing the live demo.

WorldSmart is unifying all communications into a single, seamless, cohesive solution. WorldSmart maximizes your responsiveness to prospects, customers, and co-workers. Responsiveness delivers higher sales, increased productivity, and improved customer satisfaction. With Worldsmart, prospects and customers have additional ways to reach you. WorldSmart is delivered from the cloud over a standard internet connection, eliminating costly analog lines and on-premise hardware. With less hardware to maintain there is less to worry about. WorldSmart can extremely reduce your capital expenditures while significantly reducing your monthly communications costs. If you want to compete in todays world, you need a Unified Communication solution that makes you more responsive. WorldSmart is that solution.

Official Website: http://events.rjonetworks.com

Added by Christopher Roberts 2789 on March 28, 2013