605 Main St
Middletown, Connecticut 06457

Elizabeth (Eli) Cleary is an American poet and naturalist living in Hamden, Connecticut. Her poems have appeared in Bent Pin, Connecticut River Review, A Little Poetry, Caduceus and more. She is a member of Shijin, a New England-based poetry troupe. Elizabeth actively promotes Poetry Arts programs including open mics and writing workshops within local communities and is co-chair of The Poetry Institute-New Haven and Founder of the Sleeping Giant Poets Guild. Her blog is currently located at

Elizabeth Kincaid-Ehlers’s poetry offers a rich variety of moods ranging from despair to hope, resignation to determination, fury to love. And always there is that wry (sometimes rueful) wit at play. According to family legend, Elizabeth began making poems when she was three, engaging her mother as amanuensis. She has been making them ever since, sometimes writing them down, occasionally putting them out into the world. She has authored two poetry collections, Seasoning (2009) and Leaping and Looming (2005). Elizabeth was featured in the first year of the Sunken Garden Poetry Festival and has received many awards, including the North Country Poetry Prize and a Pushcart Prize nomination from Nimrod magazine. Since the mid-eighties, she has maintained a private practice in psychotherapy in West Hartford.

Suggested donation is $3.00 and a non-perishable food item to be donated to the St. Vincent de Paul Middletown.
Goodwill donations welcome.

Official Website: http://pottingshedpoetry.blogspot.com/

Added by elesia_b on January 24, 2011

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