on the river
Knights Ferry, California

Didn't get your tickets to Burning Man on time? No worries? There's a kinder, gentler, greener alternative to Black Rock City! Bring your costumes and decor. This will be a Labor Day weekend to remember.
Featuring ...
Stacey Butcher ~ Sweat Your Prayers (5Rhythms dance)
Rana Satori Stewart ~ Contact Improvisation
Dana DharmaDevi ~ Clarity Breathwork & sacred music
Lakshmi Devi ~ kirtan and original songs (to be confirmed)
Sarah Pascual ~ YogaWorks of SF, Mill Valley & Walnut Creek

Class I-II rafting with Sunshine Rafting Adventures

Eclectic Caravan ~ Buckeye Knoll ~ On the Spot Trio

As one recent participant so aptly put it, "This river trip was AMAZING .... a peaceful flow and green green green ... and just wait till you see our camping spot ... It's a magical fairyland Burning Man Disneyland Balinese tropical paradise on the river ..." ~ G.B.
The trip will feature rafting, yoga, music, fire circles, healthy catered meals, exclusive use of a gorgeous riverside camping resort, and so much more. This is an easy, Class I-II section of "the Stan", great for novice and experienced alike. Expect swimming, splashing, and laughter galore! For ages 13 and up.
Whether you’ve been on a trip with “the RiverGuidess” in the past or just heard about them from a friend, you know what happens when our creative, conscious community gathers at the river. Bring your drums, instruments, stories and poems. The evening fireside gatherings are reason enough to come along.
So spread the word. There’s plenty of room for you and your friends ... Yet with Burning Man tickets a thing of the past, this trip will fill fast!
Don’t miss out! See more details and register online at www.riverguidess.com.
A portion of the proceeds from this trip will go to 5Rhythms teacher Davida Taurek to support her through her healing process. If you’d like an update on Davida’s status, or if you’d like to donate to her online, please visit www.helpdavidaheal.com.

This trip is offered by RiverGuidess Journeys in blessed union with Sunshine Yoga and Rafting Adventures.


Official Website: http://www.riverguidess.com/

Added by StaceyButcher on August 15, 2011