200 Jeffcott St
North Adelaide, South Australia

South Australian owned and operated since the beginning of 2006, RIOT CITY WRESTLING (RCW) is one of Australia's leading Professional Wrestling federations, with monthly events in Adelaide attracting fans, both young and old, male and female. Their wrestlers are professionally trained at the Riot City Wrestling Academy where training is held 4 nights a week, and tryouts held monthly for aspiring wrestlers aged over 15 years old.
Awe-inspiring aerobatics and technical showcases; jaw-dropping hard hitting moves; regular interstate challengers; women’s' matches; feuds; theatrics; drama and comedy... there is something for everyone in Riot City.
Visit: www.riotcitywrestling.com for all you RCW info
Watch our videos: www.youtube.com/user/RiotCityWrestling
Visit our Face book Fan Page: www.facebook.com/riotcitywrestling
See photo’s from previous shows : www.riotcityphotos.com

Official Website: http://www.riotcitywrestling.com/

Added by Riot City Wrestling on May 18, 2010