200 Jeffcott St, North Adelaide, South Australia
Adelaide, South Australia 5001

Mar 5, 2010 8PM
Mar 6, 2010 8PM
Mar 7, 2010 6PM
As part of the Adelaide Fringe Festival Riot City Wrestling will be bring you three nights of riot from March 5th to 7th. Last years first ever Strength tournament saw it come down to G.D.Grimm, Voodoo and the young upstart Brad Smyth in a brutal three way dance. Grimm would come out on top and go on to become the two time RCW champion months later but not before he would be pushed to the limits by the Strength tournament.

there will be a different show each night.

The Strength tournament is based on the idea of bettering yourself and pushing your limits. Each and every month RCW talent put their bodies on the line to wow the fans in the hopes of one day taking grasp of the RCW gold, the Strength tournament is a huge opportunity for anybody thinking they have what it takes to step up and hang with the Riot City Wrestling champion as the number one contender.

Official Website: http://www.riotcitywrestling.com/

Added by riotcitywrestling on January 28, 2010

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