5000 Dominion Boulevard
Richmond, Virginia 23060

Agile Engineering for Architects

Software development requires architects and architecture, yet sadly most architects and software teams over-focus on functionality and under-focus on system qualities such as response time and transaction throughput. On simple systems, this lack of focus may result in schedule delays and re-work. On complex systems, this may result in millions of dollars lost and project cancellation. It goes without saying that neither of these options are good.

So how can architects design complex systems using agile techniques without resorting to Big Upfront Design? Come to this session to learn how.

Ryan demonstrates proven techniques architects can use that are lightweight-but-rigorous and can be applied to projects of any size (agile or not). Learn practical tools like Planguage and Impact Estimation that can immediately be applied on your projects to get a firm handle on system qualities that can improve performance and reduce risk.

Ryan Shriver is a managing consultant with Dominion Digital, a Virginia-based process and technology consulting firm, where he leads the IT Performance Improvement solution. For the past 8 years he has primarily worked in software architecture roles, including over three years as lead architect of an enterprise product using agile. He was also the President of RJUG from 2003 – 2007.

Ryan continues to push the boundaries of agile thinking, most recently with a focus on integrating principles and techniques from Evo with Scrum and XP. With degrees in Computer Science and Business, Ryan’s pursuits range from agile engineering to measurable business value. He regularly writes on these and other topics at http://www.theagileengineer.com and also as an agile columnist for http://www.gantthead.com

Please register here for the meeting so that we can have enough food and seats available.

For more information please see our web site at www.richmondjug.com

Official Website: http://www.richmondjug.com

Added by rjPelletier on December 8, 2008