5000 Dominion Blvd
Richmond, Virginia 23060

Profliling Java Web Applications
This will be a loosely structured open forum meeting for anyone to bring up a topic.

I have a short presentation to kick things off and will present the work we've recently done to instrument a WebLogic JVM in order to view performance statistics to troubleshoot an out-of-memory issue in our QA server.

I'll show how to setup the WL startup scripts to allow a desktop to make a remote connection using the JDK's JConsole application and discuss some of the performance statistics we've been able to see.

If you have experience with troubleshooting web applications or some more to add to that discussion I'd welcome the input.

If you've got a particular coding or design issue bring that for a run by the group.

Remi Pelletier is a Java developer at Dominion. He supports an EJB2 web application in the Energy/Natural Gas transmission part of the company.

Please register here for the meeting so that we can have enough food and seats available.

For more information please see our web site at www.richmondjug.com

Official Website: http://www.richmondjug.com

Added by rjPelletier on June 9, 2009