223 N Broadway Ave
Urbana, Illinois 61801

Berenger - an average citizen in a nameless French city - is not interested in the fact that rhinoceros are on the loose. This causes him to quarrel with his friend Jean and his attractive secretary Daisy outside a grocer's shop. The argument continues with many local joining in - these include the grocer and his wife, a waitress and a housewife, a cafe owner, an old gentleman, a waitress and a logician. The group try to reason the events that are happening around them. The results are understandably chaotic. In the local government office where Berenger works he witnesses that the staff are gradually turning into rhinoceros. By Eugene Ionesco. Directed by Eric Burton Ticket Prices: Wednesday - $8.00 Thursday & Sunday - $10.00 Friday & Saturday - $15.00 Senior/student discount of $1 is available upon request.

Official Website: http://www.americantowns.com//events/rhinoceros

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 2, 2010