Government isn't very good at computers.
They spend millions to produce mediocre websites, hide away really useful public information and generally get it wrong. Which is a shame.
Calling all people who make things. We're going to show them how it's done. If you can make things, and think you can do better than government.
Official Website:
Added by abscond on January 13, 2009
Get in touch if you're interested in attending a Manchester event on the same day. VENUE TBC. Limited Places probable!
Just a little comment absecond, but the form on the mainpage is limiting. Some of us aren't just the one thing (eg. I'm a troublemaker but also a developer, designer, standards nut and more than a passing relationship with politics) Just my 2p'th
don't forget that if you're Brighton/South Coast based you can join in via the Outpost event at the Skiff:
The Manchester event has a confirmed venue, and a sign up page accesible via
Hope to see a couple of your there.
Hi, could you give us an idea of the number of people who will be able to attend in London and the number of people who are interested an will not be able to attend. If there is a large number it may make sense to arrange satellite groups in cafes etc, via a wiki / shared spreadsheets.
Not sure I like the whole 'prove that you are qualified to help' thing, but understand that scarcity has to be dealt with somehow and that first-come-first-serve is not necessarily the best algorithm. It's just it would be better if this didn't involve making people apply and telling half the volunteers that they weren't good enough...
Please remember this upcoming event is not the signup page. Due to high demand, it will be invite only, selected from the list of signups at
However, there will be outposts and I'm doing my best to try and make it possible to be involved away from the events.