2200 N Squirrel Rd
Rochester Hills, Michigan 48309

Twenty-five years after the assassination of President Lincoln, a traveling group of actors and singers tells tales of the Civil War and our nation's struggle to remain together. Actual journal entries and letters from eyewitnesses, along with multimedia images of events, combine with songs of the period immerse the audience in the struggle to keep the Union together. Jack Kyrieleison and Ron Holgate created the story, with book by Jack Kyrieleison and traditional music arranged by Michael O'Flaherty. 'Reunion: A Musical Epic in Miniature' includes 26 songs, with some familiar titles including 'Beautiful Dreamer' and 'Marching Through Georgia.' The words come from the known and unknown. Source material was culled from the writings and memoirs of the likes of Abraham Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth, Louisa May Alcott and Harriet Tubman. Just as interesting, though, is the chance for the anonymous to have their say...nurses, preachers, writers, slaves, soldiers and spies tell how it felt to live through a war that tried to rip our country apart.

Official Website: http://www.mbtheatre.com/20102011Season/tabid/364/Default.aspx

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 12, 2011