A follow-up event to last fall's groundbreaking "Straight Outta Grrrlville," "Return to Grrrlville" showcases documentary films by a diverse group of Bay Area women filmmakers. The purpose of "Grrrlville" is to bring to the public intimate stories by women of all walks of life, and to celebrate the inspiring talent of some of SF's finest. Represented in these stories are testimonials by Trans/Genderqueer women, Dyke, Punk, and Jewish women, African-American, Latina, and Asian-American women. These rich films include tales of love, redemption, and tragedy--stories about lesbian relationships, fathers, mermaids, feminism, body image, and much more. Admission: $5-$10 sliding scale. Films will be followed by Q and A with filmmakers. For more info contact [email protected] or 415-216-6147
Official Website: http://www.womensbuilding.org
Added by Sally Rubin on June 14, 2006