100 South Virginia St
Renoq, Nevada 89501

Reno Tahoe Comedy is pleased to announce Huck Flynn as our headlining act. Huck Flyn was offered a scholarship to Pepperdine University, but decided to pass to pursue a career performing live. He played in several successful rock bands, playing clubs and various gigs in southern California. Huck’s first gig was opening for The Amazing Jonathon and his second gig was opening for Bill Engvall; not a bad start. Flyn, who brought his guitar and musical talent into the act, was an instant hit.

Hosting the show is comedian Bob Johnston. Bob was insulted when upon finding out that he has a Biology/Chemistry degree; people remark how smart he must be. He says it doesn’t take brains to get a 4 year degree in 13 years. Bob skips easily from baldness to ex-girlfriends to traffic problems. A professed bachelor, Bob is a high energy comic who grew up in a small town, moved to the San Francisco Bay area after college, and has been called “the only Redneck in the Bay Area”. Bob does a great job morphing blue collar comedy with the high tech world. From his sister’s “Hog farm” to his love of cats, Bob routinely wins over audiences with his unique brand of humor.

Official Website: http://www.renotahoecomedy.com

Added by Tahoe Comedy North on November 12, 2011

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