100 South Virginia St
Renoq, Nevada 89501

Reno Tahoe Comedy is pleased to announce Huck Flynn as our headlining act. Huck Flyn was offered a scholarship to Pepperdine University, but decided to pass to pursue a career performing live. He played in several successful rock bands, playing clubs and various gigs in southern California. Huck’s first gig was opening for The Amazing Jonathon and his second gig was opening for Bill Engvall; not a bad start. Flyn, who brought his guitar and musical talent into the act, was an instant hit.

Hosting the show is comedian Danwise. Danwise’s comedic style uses heavy doses of sarcasm by finding the absurd in every day life. In his spare time he is a professional Beer Pong player, travelling around the country winning money by shooting ping pong balls into cups while intoxicated. As a Reno native, Danwise likes to poke fun at his town and those around him including his girlfriend and family. Danwise enjoys nothing more than entertaining an audience on stage.

Our guest comedians for the night are Elgin at 7:30pm and Danny Correa at 9:30pm. Elgin is a multi-talented performer, honing his skills as an actor, musician, writer, director and comedian in venues all over the Reno area.

Official Website: http://www.renotahoecomedy.com

Added by Tahoe Comedy North on November 12, 2011

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