100 South Virginia St
Renoq, Nevada 89501

Reno Tahoe Comedy presents a special showing of the nationally acclaimed, Marijuana-Logues at the Pioneer Underground located on 100 South Virginia, St. in Reno, NV. Come out to one of the shows this weekend and enjoy a full bar with no drink minimum in a beautiful, smoke-free theater setting! The first comedy show is on Friday at 7:00pm and we’ll have two shows on Saturday: 7:00pm and 9:30pm. All shows are R-Rated.


Written by Arj Barker, Tony Camin & Doug Benson; this version of the show which Features Camin, Rob Cantrell and Dan Gabriel has been together for two years and is earning rave reviews. Told from all points of view from hazy to highbrow, THE MARIJUANA-LOGUES never loses the pot…er point, demonstrating that the stories surrounding the bud are as varied as those who indulge. THE MARIJUANA-LOGUES sets herb center stage, delving into fact and fiction, myths and misnomers alike. Not since the 60s has there been such an exploration of this oft-taboo but totally titillating topic. Wayne Walsh will host the evening delivering his brand of fast-paced and clever comedy.

On Sale Soon

Tickets for this event are $13 in advance and $17 the day of the show. Get more information and buy tickets at www.renotahoecomedy.com. Tickets are also available at the Pioneer Center for the Arts box office from 11am – 6pm Monday through Friday and at the Pioneer Underground on show nights between 7pm and 11pm. Fees may apply. No refunds.

Emitting an air that is slightly subversive and laughter-inducing…fast moving…this talented and complementary trio breathes new life into pot humor. Inventive writing…irresistibly funny…tongue firmly planted in cheek.”

Official Website: http://www.renotahoecomedy.com

Added by Tahoe Comedy North on February 1, 2012

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