21170 N 83rd Ave
Peoria, Arizona 85382

Fly a Public Mission at the Challenger Space Center! Become a crewmember on a 2-hour simulated space mission!! Take part in a daring trek of exploration as, once again, comet Encke travels close to the Sun and Earth. This time, human space travelers, as well as space probes, will undertake scientific missions to the great comet. Years of planning and hard work have been invested to get to this vital moment. Team members in both the Spacecraft and Mission Control must work together to rendezvous with the comet's tail, and successfully launch a scientific probe. Along the way, team members will also encounter many important tasks that need to be performed. Journey with us on this important mission; the great comet awaits! Prepaid reservations are required for ALL MISSIONS. Not recommended for 2nd grade & under! 3rd and 4th graders must fly with a ticketed adult. For more information, call 623.322.2001.

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 6, 2011