10 NW Minnesota Avenue
Bend, Oregon 97701

Open Daily 10-6, Sunday 11-5

High Desert Gallery is excited to announce guest artist, Beverly Soasey, February 18 to April 13, 2011 featured at High Desert Gallery in downtown Bend, Oregon

When trying to explain the meaning of Beverly’s art, it can be said that one is “painting their life”, that they and their art are one. Beverly’s ideas emerge from her reality; expressing her beliefs and ideals and exposing her truths. There are no boundaries, no rules on execution of materials. In a blending of objects and media, assemblage art invites exploration and experimentation. It is completely suited to her collective nature, where she can do whatever it takes to express an idea, evoke a mood or convey a concept. Beverly’s work is a study of textures, patterns and color, the combination of elements that intrigue and surprise the viewer. This process begins with the search and ends in a story. “I love going to that unknown place and surprising myself with the result. There’s always that moment when I know a piece is finished, but until that moment, I have no clue when it will happen.” Her studio is a collection of hundreds of objects, photos, books, bird wings, metal and ideas saved in various forms. There are boxes full of secrets and boxes waiting to be filled. Assemblage art requires having inspiration and ideas around all of the time to translate her thoughts and ideas into a single statement. Beverly’s passion for collecting, traveling and exploring in shown throughout her art.

Official Website: http://www.highdesertgallery.com

Added by High Desert Gallery on February 10, 2011