1500 Lizzie Street
San Luis Obispo, California

The Circle of Spiritual Enlightenment invites you to Rejuvenate Your JOY! Playshop with MaryAine Curtis.
Learn how to invigorate your spirit as you take care of yourself and discover how to manage stress with energy medicine. This playshop will provide you with some effective stress management and self-care tools, including: 5 ways to release stress, powerful visualization to anchor your new skills, & many more resources to help you find your authentic, vibrant, amazing self that you already are...

Date: Wednesday, May 26
Time: 7-9 PM
Cost: $15.00
Location: SLO Adult School, Rm B-3 (Superintendent's Conference Room)

Official Website: http://www.return2joy.com

Added by slojudes on May 6, 2010

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