701 Whaley Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29201

3rd Annual FREE women’s event with Dr. Shelly Jones of the Chiropractic Wellness Center, Coulter Roberson of Splitting Assets and Dr. Lisabeth Medlock of Life by Design Coaching. Come join us as we give tips and tools to transform your health, wellness, career path, financial future and course in life. We will have fabulous gift bags with discounts and goodies from local vendors for the first 100 women in the door. We will also have great food and door prizes from the presenters. This is a great opportunity to get out and network with other women as well as take away valuable information. The presenters will also be available to talk after the presentations and will be running specials on that day. We hope you can join us! To register please sign up at: http://www.lifebydesigncoaching.org/reinvent-you-womens-event

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Reinvent-You-Transform-to-Achieve-Health-Wealth-and-Happiness-Event/133773783331569?sk=info

Added by Elizabeth Turner on January 9, 2012

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