1919 San Mateo Boulevard NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87110

Experience the release of REIKI energy while drumming. REIKI is the Japanese word for Universal Life Force Energy. REI=universal
KI=vital life force energy. REIKI DRUMMING is a powerful tool that boosts the immune system and balances the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The reverberating sound of the drum and the gentle loving flow of REIKI sets sacred space for each participant to access their own bodies ability to heal, balance and harmonize with their highest self. Drumming reminds our body of it's ideal vibratory rate, which is in harmony with the pulse of the Earth and the Universal Flow of Creation. Medical research indicates that group drumming boosts the immune system.

Jackie Addis and Kelly Deschaine are certified USUI & KARUNA REIKI Masters and REIKI drum and REIKI crystal Practitioners. Both have participated in drumming circles and have been actively drumming for many years.

Bring your own frame drum. Frame drums available for the first eight participants.
Please RSVP to Sacred Journeys at 505-255-3388
Ticket Info: $10.00 per person

Added by EarthSong on September 28, 2009

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