3118 Oakland Sang Run Road
Oakland, Maryland 21550

Please Check back for exact location of event. To be determined.
Sculptures are created by High School students utilizing recycled materials. Local "Celebrity" Judges select winners to attend the State "Rethink Recycling" Sculpture Contest, which is held to also celebrate ARD. Students learn the importance of recycling and discover that this is only one way they can help to divert trash from their local landfill.
This year we are expanding event and planning a Recycle and Art Fair. Vendors offering materials made from recycled materials will be available to speak with. Additionally, we hope to have companies avail. to speak with home owners about free evaluations on energy saving measures they can take during any season of the year. etc/

Official Website: http://www.garrettcounty.org/

Added by Earth911.com on September 20, 2011

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